well we are officially into what....the fifth day of my leave. and i have accomplished absolutely nothing. And in fact that is great. I mean i'm still runnin around tryin to appease my mom with my visit, and goin off to see various family members (as i would much rather just sit, relax, and not worry about seein every lil person.) i mean there are people i wish to see and will, but damn. let me relax fuckers. my ma just doesn't get that. i know she misses me, but hell, she still acts like i'm a lil 12 or 13 year old. hey. mom. grow the fuck up. I have. so yeah, i sware the next thing of leave i take, i'm just gonna go somewhere where i don't know anyone, and the only person i gotta worry about pleasin is me. cause damn, family just likes to fuck things up with all their lil needs and woes. back off people! so anyways. not much is goin on right now. i'm gonna be headin out to see specy tonight. get our drink on. maybe watch some fights. talk our shit on halo. maybe bring my brother over so they'll each meet someone new. it'll be fun. three dumb woe is me dudes sittin round drinkin with some ufc on. yeah. i forsee an eventful night. as its been close to a year since spec and i have actually hung out and drank with one another. you know. from the year of drama and local soap's. speakin of that year, angel and i have been talkin. it has all been real friendly and such. its been good talkin to her again. i've missed it. it was somethin we truly lost when we started hatin on each other. i plan on goin up to DC for a few days come next week, see her, and hopefully RC. we'll see. anyways. off i go to finish my fourth beer of the mornin, and possibly get ready to start on the whisky. hell i know its only 10, and i'm good with that. not like i gotta work anytime soon.
peace and chicken grease,
~frank the tank
posted by zefyur @ 6:49 AM,
well we are at the 11 day and counting mark till i make my dramatic and long awaited return back home. thats right you fuckin turds. space mountain is comin home, and i'm gonna make sure i do somethin at least worthwhile and exciting. i got my boy specy to hang out with, and my lil bro. which i think the three of us might have to head out drinkin, four if i can find my friend brad, but definitly the three of us. nothin too hard, don't want to get queeny mad at me and her lil man. then i got a friend of mine from out here who is headin home a few days after i do, and she's plannin a trip out to vegas. i told her if she'd like some company, id go as i've never been and i need an excuse to get heavily fucked up and hell vegas seems like the place to do it since everyone else has been, excluding me. bastards. i might end up headin back up north to pick up a few things and my truck...god i miss that thing. who knows. but plans are now bein made, and hopefully some of them go through. at least all the ones dealin with alcohol as i really really need to get my liver back to where it was. its been hell lettin that lil fucker grow back. i mean come on. who needs a liver? i mean really.
so i read specy's last lil blog, and i'm glad he's happy. its about time he found himself someone that can pull himself out of his lil hole of despair and anguish. so yeah. queeny. don't fuck my boy up or i'll have to find a girl to kick yer ass, cause i don't approve of hittin chicks...unless its with my car then i physically won't be doin it...so yeah the possibilities are endless. kiddin. all smiles. but yeah. just one thing that irked me bout his last lil post...my name was all lower case when everyone else had at least their first letter capitalized...where's the love spec? whats up you lil bastard. you don't care bout me as much. that blows ass dude. after all that snugglin and tender lovin i gave ya. i see how it is.
but yeah. hungry. bored. headin to lunch to solve one of those things. so you fuckers have a good one. i'll chat laters
and if y'all haven't noticed, i've put a funny lil video down at the bottom of the tree for your viewing tard pleasures. Please enjoy.
and if you read this kat, you need to send me your number. you never put it in your email, plus you take just as long as i do to email people. now i know how everyone feels.
peace and chicken grease
~frank the tank
posted by zefyur @ 2:13 AM,
okay, now that everything has settled, and talked about between her and myself, and aparently her and youngblood as well, things calmed and were worked out. i won't put up the shit we talked about, mostly cause i'm so fuckin exhausted and dehydrated right now i just really don't care to write that long. but yeah D and I are dating again. Like I said we talked about things, a couple or so times. Which I am happy about. Youngblood, known as peevler duece, or chief if i type that in someday, talked to her he wouldn't go into detail, just kinda hinted around somethiings she said if we happened to hit on the subjects when he and i talked. So he's been helpin me out. Which is good, cause i really like having her around. I love seein her and makin sure she's happy. I'm not that hard of a person. If yer happy, then I'm happy. So I gotta make sure I can give her as good of three weeks as I can before I leave on my R&R. I'm lookin forward to this. A few people I really want to see and hang out with. I just wish I could bring her down as well. Thats the one thing thats gonna make those two weeks suck. So yeah, that department is good again. The board I won...i guess. The board members said i did good, but i was like yeah whatever. but i get to look forward to a quarter board now...oh and my promotion board has been pushed back to august as of yesterday evenin. between indecisive dates, and in case i end up havin alot of things to do dealing with my divorce, to where i couldn't get much studyin in on R&R, it was safer to push me to august. so yeah. so much to look forward to here. but yeah. i gotta get goin. fixin to head out to work. i'll post more laters, or sometime in the future. no promises. so tired. peace out everyone
~frank the tank
posted by zefyur @ 6:35 PM,