Checkin in...and oh yeah DSL sucks
08 July 2007

whats the dilly fuckers?! well i know i promised the pics up from the drive to alaska, and i have ta say i haven't gotten to that yet. workin on unpacking, organizing all our shit, and gettin this wireless crap hooked up with our stupid ass DSL. i swear i hate DSL. but yet its better than our cable internet from what I hear. but ah well. another bitch for another day. i mostly wanted to stop in, let you all know i'm still alive, and haven't forgotten bout y'all. even if i don't call. but yeah. not much is goin on. between studyin for some proctors i got this comin friday. tryin to get my xbox up and runnin, lookin into gettin a side job, and all the bs that comes with unpackin our crap....well thats what i have been up to. today however...well kinda like yesterday and today. i've been up to some good ole, much missed drinkin. between jose quervo and captain morgans tattoo i've been pretty happy. well i took like 4 shots of patron last night. and after that kicked me in the balls, i was feelin pretty good. but today its just the tattoo. i got no quervo left, and i gotta work tomorrow, so no patron. that might be a little much. but yeah i hope all is well. for those of ya, i got a new email, i'm gonna be usin for keepin in touch with everyone, as my hotmail is fillin up with lots of spam, and junk mail that its gettin a little hard to sort through. so i'll be sendin that email out shortly...(i'll be sendin it out through my hotmail with the new email address) so yeah. sorry for not postin the pics, but i'm sure i'll get them up at some point. so please be patient like you all have been...even if you don't really like bein so.
peace and chicken grease
space mountain
p.s. oh yeah, the pic above is from a fuckin awesome movie called hot fuzz. if you liked shawn of the deat you'll love this. its from the same dudes...obviously, and a great brit/american cop movie. awesome shit.
posted by zefyur @ 3:52 PM,