Stoppin in for Greetings
14 August 2007
Whats the dilly y'all. Haven't really been checkin blogs and the myspaces all that much so i figured i'd jump by and say my usually, monthly or so greeting. Hope all is well in the world of my fellow tree lurkers.
Not really much has gone on in the past month. My 360 is out of commision at the moment, and i'm waitin on microsoft to send me a shipping container to send them my unit so they can fix it. i was hopin to have it to them and back before it was time to finish the fight on halo 3, but it doesn't look like that'll be possible. at least from what i've read on a few forums on how microsoft's service is like. but other than the failure of my godlike console, not much has been goin on. the neighbors i have up here, got me into World of Warcraft, and that has....well...pretty much consumed my time. or at least a good majority of it. Definitly a great game if yer into those types of games. So if any of y'all play shoot me an email, or place a comment with yer realm and character name, and lets see if we can hook up in that lil universe of time wastin.
I'll be gettin back into school here soon...after like 2 years of not doin any of that crap, i'll be goin back in. I have no idea why, i guess i'm just bored or somethin. Its an internet course so at least i'll have that goin for me.
ah well. i'm runnin outta things to blabber about. prolly head back to WoW or do some readin. y'all have a good one. till next time.
peace and chicken grease
Space Mountain

posted by zefyur @ 11:33 AM,