Long time no see
07 March 2008
well its definitly been quite an outing away from the tree. no one will probably see this post. but thats cool. just felt like typin somethin up, as i can't get to the myspace at the moment. i hope all is well with everyone that i have troubles keepin in touch with. (mostly cause i hardly ever email anymore) right now i'm down here on Kodiak island, which is just southwest of anchorage. we are on a mission called arctic care, that my command takes part in every year, where we provide medical support, and veterinary support to the native villages about different parts of alaska. Right now i'm in a small village known as Ouzinkee....i believe thats how you spell it. i'm probably wrong though. Its actually a nice little place here on kodiak island. the people are really freindly and grateful for the military providing the support they do. And the sights about the island as well are just gorgeous. I have taken pictures, that won't go up till i get back home, that do little justice for the place. just breath taking. i've been at this village for about a 5 days now, and will be heading back to the main staging area of kodiak pretty soon. weather permiting of course. as for the past couple days its either been raining or slushing on us. rather dreadfull...yet reminds me of seattle. now i'm sick as a dog, and all i wanna do is rest, and get back home. my whole body is achin somethin fierce.
but yeah. the town folk are awesome as i've said. such a wonderful opportunity for me to be able to partake in such an excercise and see these places, and meet these people who have nothing but love and warm hospitality for us. They put on a cultural dance for us...i believe it was a couple days ago. I thought it was a damn good sight to see. some may not, but there's just somethin about it, i don't know. this whole trip, to me, has been such a good learning experience, and will be something i will always cherish and hold with me.
Again i hope all is well with everyone. when i get back sometime within the next week, i'll post up my pictures, probably on the myspace or some other medium. take care to who all checks in and reads this.
peace and chicken grease
space mountain
posted by zefyur @ 3:30 PM,