Here's some pics for ya bastards!

Some Flooded Housing We Flew Over

Our Shadow from On High
Camels with a lil baby one
Some ugly fuckin sheep bein herded
posted by zefyur @ 10:36 AM,
- At 11:59 AM, all we are is a spec in life said...
AWWWW... You look soo cute in Iraq. Well I am sending out your care package out on Monday. Except a surprise!!!!! I burned the video files to a CD and a DVD so i dont know which one you can use and I havent talked to you for two weeks. BOOO WHOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Anyway I liked the pics, going to start blogging again tomorrow. Going to try to give my webpage a face lift since that is the cool thing to do. I miss you man. Peace Nigga!!!!!
- At 9:54 PM, zefyur said...
coolio beano's. Yeah i can definitly watch dvds and they be much appreciated. my cpt has some more pics i'm tryin to get offa him so i should be able to get some more up by later today my times. yeah. well if you wanna talk to me, let me know a good time to call ya, and maybe give me a different number if you have a house phone. i hate callin cell phones to talk forever. ya dumb bastard. and you better start bloggin, its the thing now a days. blog your life away so everyone in the world is all up in your business!!!! hehe yeyah