
Peace and Chicken Grease
~Frank The Tank
posted by zefyur @ 6:08 PM,
- At 6:35 PM, all we are is a spec in life said...
So how was the DVD? Did you read my letter? I hope it made you smile. Let me know if you need any other shit and I will send it off brother. Let me know how them razors are. I LOVE YOU!!!!! and I am not gay, well maybe a little..........
- At 2:25 AM, RC666 said...
I'm always down for a 3 way with you 2, MRLF can never come between us. Now I feel bad, I need to send you a package, my package slammed into your mailbox!
- At 6:57 AM, The Devil said...
Aww how cute. And yes, you can have Randy for whatever you need when you get back, since I understand you're in the sandbox and need to release that tnesion when you get back, so go at it. Just make sure to not make the hole any bigger, since my dildo still needs to fit in there when you're done with him.....
- At 7:48 AM, zefyur said...
OOOH my god. this is gettin really far in depth into the whole gay thing. I need to go beat off to a video of an underprivelaged 12 year old living out of a twig build hut on top of a mountain with their goat, just to get back my heterosexuality.
But thanks MRLF??? All I'll need is his all consumin mouth. I'll let spec tag his other places since you'll never know it was used with his girth size. - At 8:15 AM, all we are is a spec in life said...
Wait a Minute, I thought you were mine Randy? What is going on here?!?!?!??!?1
- At 8:21 AM, RC666 said...
Now now, there is plenty of me to go around. God that monkey remindes me so much of you Zef!