Not much to update at the moment. i'm pretty fuckin tired and just want to go back to bed, which is where i'm fixin to head off too. but i got some pics up for y'all so enjoy what little they are.

Esmeralda and her G-Spot (aka Garman)

aaahhh the new school. I was havin alot of trouble blowin her up from all the laughin myself and youngblood were doing while seeing this creature come to life for our dining pleasures.

a stadium the kuwaiti's are currently in the process of building. i'm tryin to get a better pic at the moment. but its a pretty nice lookin stadium from how close we usually get.

this pic is because of some fuckin retard that decided to drive around in circles really fast while something was on fire in the back of his truck. needless to say, retards are still as prominent in other countries as they are in the states.

some camel walkin beside us while we were headin north on one trip

the desert at night. i figured the damn moonlight would make it brighter, but apparently the desert is totally against having fucking light at night

During a sandstorm. I was probably about twenty yards away from those stone walls. we had gotten a really bad one about two nights ago to where you couldn't even see like 5 feet infront of ya.
but yeah. i'll get around to postin some lackluster events thats been goin on. just fuckin exhausted and my knee is killin me. till then you all keep safe. have fun, and have lots of sex!
peace and chicken grease
~frank the tank
posted by zefyur @ 1:58 AM,
- At 2:26 AM, RC666 said...
Esmeralda, that's great! I should have bought a school girl or cheerleading outfit to put on her.
Have lots of sex, none of us are getting any, Chris is in TX, cockdancer is in Africa, HB has cooter problems, and I rubbed myself raw. Your probably getting more with Esmeralda! Great pics though. - At 4:22 AM, zefyur said...
i'll try to get more esmeralda pics. make her our little mascot out here, till gspot stabs her. haha. yeah it was fun tryin to hobble around holding her while he woke up in a murderous rage and wanted to kill youngblood and me with a broomstick.
- At 9:50 AM, The Devil said...
lmao........Randy, I no longer have cooter problems as you so gently put it! My cooter is trying to heal from the cancer that I had, you bish!
And those pics are hilarious!
LMAO....... - At 6:07 PM, zefyur said...
randy wrote the cooter problem stuff. i just hint around the broken giner issues when i bring it up. but yes. i hope to have more pics of esmeralda and the gang before too much longer