holy shit. sorry for the wait y'all. didn't realize how much time has passed, and i've been havin comp problems as of late. between the work computers bein pieces of shit, and my personnal one takin a crap on me for some strange reason, its been hard to get on here as of late, only like bits at a time. but yeah, here are some of the latest pics. they are of the aquarium we got to go to at some science center. the esmeralda pics will come up laters, as i haven't gotten them uploaded yet. enjoy...or not. but i hope all is goin well for you all back home. miss y'all, and lookin forward to seein as much of y'all as i can in a couple months. take care, and be safe.
posted by zefyur @ 3:17 AM,
what up bitches. just lettin you all know that with the new song will come more postin. just not right now. later today after work, as i gotta get headin off. just stoppin in real quick like. esmeralda has had a couple of busy nights and she will be postin her pics up here on the tree later as well. fuckin dirty whore that she is. but yeah. have a good one all, as its friday night...or saturday mornin...not sure but i'm sure everyone is drinkin or at least specy is cause he won't reply on his msn messenger, what a fuckin turd. anyways. be back laters with pics and shit. peace bitches.
~frank the tank
posted by zefyur @ 8:17 PM,
well i have like two months left to go till my brief return back to san antonio. i know i should be more excited, but unfortunatly at the moment i'm not. i mean don't get me wrong it'll be good to see some friends again...but it isn't what i was wishing for as an r&r visit back four months ago. so much has gone on, and so much time has passed since certain events, and i still find myself lost...hoping for something, or someone to just take me away from the pain and mysery i constantly find myself in. i had such good hopes of comin home...somewhere...and seein angel...and now i dont have that. i don't have that truly special someone to look forward to seeing and holding again. no offense to specy and any others that read this that i may be seeing, but thats a void that not just friendship or family can fulfill. i don't know why i'm still clinging onto this, and draggin myself through the mud. but too me, for me, four years is a long time. i haven't had very many relationships that went that long...just one that i can think of...and that was one that ended bitterly as well...i dont know. i love her. i want her...i hate me. i guess its just my time of the month or somethin...who the fuck knows...anyways i really don't want to type anyomre. just figured i'd check in. gonna go for a run, and hopefully hurt my knee more. pain is good. hope all is well with y'all. peace out
~ frank the tank
posted by zefyur @ 7:41 AM,
Well its been like what a week since i last visited the tree, to see all my lil nuts. its been an up and down week, per say. i wouldn't have great moments, just spots that weren't bad. between our version of peevler bein a fuckin peevler, then i had to put down 5 pups a couple days ago. which wasn't so bad, if they wouldn't have been puppies...like about 4 month old pups. and of course the two that i got to euthanize gave off a final cry on their last breath. well thank you! as if i didn't feel bad enough for doin the deed, i didn't need to hear that....twice. what sucked worse is that three of em looked like my dog from back in maryland...so that made me feel even more worse. then peevler duece just can't shut the fuck up and stop bein such a dumbfuck. so yeah. fuckin great!
so yeah other than that we got our new corpral a few days ago. all i got to say is he's an interestin lil fucker. this man is like total fuckin redneck stylie. straight out the fuckin woods of alabama, and a good ole country boy accent. fucker is hilarious. its good havin a hick up here. i mean its definitly different havin the new guy but he's makin his own niche. but we definitly miss you invader zimm!!
so yeah, thats pretty much how this week is gone. i'm glad i'm sort of bein takin out of the in charge loop. i hate bein in charge. i don't think i'm that good of a leader unless i'm pissed then i just want to beat the hell outta people. i'm more of like, hey we're a team lets come to a decision and work it out together and just make do. i hate bein the soul decision maker and "chief" per say. so yeah its good havin him here cause now peevler duece is his problem, and i can go back to bein on the sidelines and watchin the carnage.
anyways thats it for now i think...my boy chad back in s.a. is graduatin from his advance training today...i believe. this was the date he told me, course he was drunk as hell at the time but thats the date so congrads if he did it and have fun drinkin tonight. and i'm sure chris will be with him in all the drunkeness and so by all means drink some for me fuckers!!!! i'll make up for it in june!
one of these days i'll get some pics up. i got some of gspot sleepin outside where we do some of our truck inspections. so till then. peace and chicken grease
~frank the tank
posted by zefyur @ 10:39 AM,
Well happy fools day! This has got to be one of the worst april fools days i've ever had. no jokes, no pranks...nothing done with this most special of occasions. Ah well. Tomorrow's gspots bday so I believe esmeralda will be makin her rounds and wishin him a good one. ha. plastic dolls are fun....errr...uhh..yeah i'll stick to that.
but anyways. this weeks been almost uneventful. more driving around. and such. friday i ended up havin to go down to one of our southern camps to take care of some stray animals...and in meaning of takin care of them i mean euthanizing them. which i usually don't have a problem with. i like euthanasia...i'm sick that way i guess. but this one sucked because i had to put down 5 kittens, because they were abandoned by their mother, and weren't even old enough to walk about yet. fucking hell that sucked. like specy said. its different from the lab...back their it was so much easier, it was like a whatever type of deal. but now its a bit different. i mean i didn't have to put up with owners cryin and what not, but for some reason there was the fact that it was these stupid little kittens that were pretty much not given a chance yet. so between that and everyone takin vacations i've been the only tech for kuwait till a couple days ago, with no vets. and it just happens to be one of those weeks where every little fuckin animal has a problem. so i was tryin to do two jobs at once, and try to remember some of my basic tech skills, which is hard, because i've never really been much of a tech...unless it was back at the lab..but even then, i had specy so there was never really that much of a need to break lazy habits and inopportune smoke breaks. so yeah. tryin to teach yerself on the go on shit you don't even know sucks ass, but i guess i should've known this shit all ready so there shouldn't be any excuses.
but yeah, really not much else besides peevler jr over here actin like a fuckin retard every now and then...well probably more than that, but it does't matter. he's a good kid, but so fuckin retarded most of the time it just fuckin urks me to want to choke the shit outta the boy.
its good to see that cd(cockdancer) little stint in her part of the great desert is almost over and she'll be headin home soon. which'll be awesome for all of us that read their lil blogs in hopes of seein other stuff instead of them tryin to communicate over blogs with the same i love you's repeated for three quarters of the page. (kiddin :) )
but no really, good to see she's headin back, and hopefully some day to the great S. of A. to rejoin her little child in the great american idle watches....specy...watching american idol....wow how fagged out have you become. and on the other side of the news, MRLF???'s cooter is feeling much better, and is about ready to suit back up and head back to the war known as invasion of the elephant cock. i sware RC has got to have some jew in him, because those jews are packin. you can kill this guy who is said to be gods son, and somehow they get blessed with the horse cocks. fuckin baffling really. i need to go kill a savior or somethin. i need some blessin people!! so yeah anyways. it's drawin closer to the good time of hittin the sack, and i mean the bed. you fuckin perv's. but prolly a little bit more of the great 360 before hand. great system for all those that don't have one yet. definite recommend.
peace out bitches. have a good april fools, and good......whatever else.
try to post more pictures later on...i think i've only gotten one since the last time, but i'm workin on some more.
~Frank The Tank
posted by zefyur @ 9:28 AM,