Here's some more pics for you fuckin bastards. And the Esmeralda ones that I could get off my camera. The dude that is throwin the double hellos is country. our new roomie up here. Enjoys till i can take more and post.
~Frank the Tank

posted by zefyur @ 10:45 AM,
- At 11:10 AM, The Devil said...
You just need a blow up sheep.
That's right. I said sheep.
You nasty little whore you! - At 11:29 AM, RC666 said...
That's awesome!! I think country is enjoying her a little more than he should...lol. We'll get that sheep and see what other ones we can find. Next package will be all blowup things...LMAO. You guys need anything else to entertain yourselves?
- At 8:01 PM, zefyur said...
blowup dolls are funnier than hell. i don't care who ya are. yeah country and i were a havin a lil too much fun...mostly him just cause i thought it was funnier than hell watchin the hijinks. but
yeah good times good times.
and i am not a nasty whore MRLF???? I don't get paid. which sucks cause i could use the money